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Mountain Cliff Hiker

   What's the next step?

Now that you've made the decision to give your life to Jesus Christ, what you do next is vital in having a successful relationship with Him. Life can sometimes throw us curveballs, but there is nothing like being connected to other Christians that can help you get through life's toughest storms. GROWTH TRACK is a four step process, and is here to help you in your journey. The process of going through these steps will get you to a place of belonging, and also help you grow deeper with Jesus Christ and a community of believers. Our goal by the end of these classes is to get you to a place where you know what it means to follow Jesus, to help you connect with our church family, to help you discover God's purpose for your life, and to give you the opportunity to use your gifts and talents to serve God. We're excited to join you in this process and are expecting God to do great things in your life.


Learn the spiritual journey that God has for each of us: to follow Jesus. 


Explore our ministry, and find out how to connect with our community. 


Discover your talents and gifts,
to find how they indicate your purpose in life and best fit in ministry.


Connect to the opportunities we have available for you to live out your purpose and serve others by using your gifts.

step two

step three

step four

step one

next step schedule:

Stay connected for upcoming dates!

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